Last summer y was near the reñaca subway, we were walking to the beach when y drop mi iphone I get down to get it and I see down a big green trash and I found a black bag. There i found a spain passaport, 4 passages to Madrid, Spain and some cash and important documents. We don't know what to do so we decided to find some police cars and we get near them we say them our problems, we said them were does we find it and what we see and do, so we ask him if someone had ask about some bag or passaport, but they said no one had asked. They said us that that we were good guys because that woman can be in the street searching for it and they are going to find she and they are going try give him that important documents.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
2nd task revision
October 16th
Last summer y was near the reñaca subway, we were walking to the beach when y drop mi iphone I get down to get it and I see down a big green trash and I found a black bag. There i found a spain passaport, 4 pasaages to Madrid, Spain and some cash and important documents. We dont know what to do so we decided to find some police cars and we get near them we say them our problems and they said us that we dont worry they are going to solve all.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Trinity tasks correction
The new Allsop teacher
With the new teacher, Michael Wilson, the rules have changed a lot. When the teacher goes to class the students have to make a line to enter the class, if they come with the wrong shoes he sends them home, they have to come with the school uniform, they can't go out to eat at a fast food places and if they don't complete their homework they have to stay after class. The new teacher has changed some things to make the school more beautiful and technological changes. The building now looks brand new and the students behaviour is better than before. This school in my opinion is very strict in appearance and apparent ways of punishment. If someone asked me if I would like to go to the school I would say yes, because I like the rules.
139 words
With the new teacher, Michael Wilson, the rules have changed a lot. When the teacher goes to class the students have to make a line to enter the class, if they come with the wrong shoes he sends them home, they have to come with the school uniform, they can't go out to eat at a fast food places and if they don't complete their homework they have to stay after class. The new teacher has changed some things to make the school more beautiful and technological changes. The building now looks brand new and the students behaviour is better than before. This school in my opinion is very strict in appearance and apparent ways of punishment. If someone asked me if I would like to go to the school I would say yes, because I like the rules.
139 words
Monday, October 7, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
6th task revision
How to plan the perfect party
Well today Im going to teach you how to throw a good party. To throw a good party you need to invite a lot of people because some people may not come, have food, things to drink, music and a big place to dance. Most of the parties are not succesful, because they don't have much people or they don't have the best music or they don't give the correct information to the guests, that can cause a bad party or less people will go. I like all types of parties because in all types you can dance, enjoy, meet people and have fun with a lot of good friends.
Words: 110
Words: 110
5th task revision
The best surprise party:
Last month I decided to organise a surprise party for my best friend Pedro Villanova, I decided to do it because I had time and I used the vacation time to do it. The only thing that I needed to throw it was my friends help, music and some food.
The party was exciting because we all had a good time, so the girls had a good time with Pedro and he got a lot of surprises and gifts. My friends congratulate me for the good party and all had a good time so some friends said to me that it was the best party of this vacation.
Words: 108
Words: 108
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
4th task revision
Hi, Marta
I am writing to you because I heard that you want to be a television presenter,
I think that would be an excelent idea because you have the perfect personality that most of the presenters have. For this job you will need to be very careful in what you say and what you say about other people. Well I am writing you because you could have a good tv presenter career.
Good luck
Words: 77
Words: 77
3rd task revision
My trip to the south of Chile.
Last year I visited the south of Chile with all the 7th greaders of the Mackay. This place was very beautiful and it is a good idea to go there. It had a lot of Chilean culture. I met a lot of people like all the hotel receptionists and some people from the shops and when we went to the "Jardin de Lota" I met a special kid named Francisca. She was a girl that I gave some gifts to and helped her with some things. I helped her because she didin't have much money to buy things.
Lota is very beautiful and if I have the opportunity, I will go again.
Words: 112
Words: 112
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
My common grammar mistakes y glossary
Name: Joaquin Nuñez Date: Thursday 22nd, August,2013 Grade: 8th ISE-1
Mistake N1: `The only thing that I use is friends help`
Correction:´The onlynthing that I needs was friends help`
Rule: past tense.
Explanation of the of the grammar rule:
Need is plural; needs is singular.
Since the patient is singular, the verb must also be singular to agree
1-. When she needs help, we all help her`
2.-That was what i needs.
Links to practice:
Mistake N2: ´They have being 12 years together`
Correction: ´They had been 12 years together`
Rule : Grammar
Explanation of the grammar rule:
Use been after the verb to have.
1.-We have been playing for 2 hours.
2.-We have been at USA.
links to practice:
Mistake N3:´I have visited Lota last year´
Correction:´I visited Lota last year´
Explanation of the gramar rule:
Actually, the present tense is used more for factual statements.
It has to be the past tense when the time in the past is specified.
1.-´Yesterday I visited my grandfather´
2.-´He had just visited USA´
Links to correct:
Mistake N4 :´The woman which work in the garden is from Brazil´.
Correction: ´The woman who work in the garden is from Brazil´.
Rule: gramar
Explanation of the gramar rule:
Who refers to people. That and which refer to groups or things
1.-´The men who Works there is very heplful´.
2.-´He is who help me yesterday´.
Link for excersise:
Mistakes N5 : ´I enjoyed it from the play´.
Correction: ´I enjoyed the play´.
Rule: Pronoun
Explanation of the gramar rule :
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Pronouns can be in one of three cases: Subject, Object, or Possessive.
Mistake N1: `The only thing that I use is friends help`
Correction:´The onlynthing that I needs was friends help`
Rule: past tense.
Explanation of the of the grammar rule:
Need is plural; needs is singular.
Since the patient is singular, the verb must also be singular to agree
1-. When she needs help, we all help her`
2.-That was what i needs.
Links to practice:
Mistake N2: ´They have being 12 years together`
Correction: ´They had been 12 years together`
Rule : Grammar
Explanation of the grammar rule:
Use been after the verb to have.
Use being after the verb to be.Example:
1.-We have been playing for 2 hours.
2.-We have been at USA.
links to practice:
Mistake N3:´I have visited Lota last year´
Correction:´I visited Lota last year´
Explanation of the gramar rule:
Actually, the present tense is used more for factual statements.
It has to be the past tense when the time in the past is specified.
1.-´Yesterday I visited my grandfather´
2.-´He had just visited USA´
Links to correct:
Mistake N4 :´The woman which work in the garden is from Brazil´.
Correction: ´The woman who work in the garden is from Brazil´.
Rule: gramar
Explanation of the gramar rule:
Who refers to people. That and which refer to groups or things
1.-´The men who Works there is very heplful´.
2.-´He is who help me yesterday´.
Link for excersise:
Mistakes N5 : ´I enjoyed it from the play´.
Correction: ´I enjoyed the play´.
Rule: Pronoun
Explanation of the gramar rule :
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Pronouns can be in one of three cases: Subject, Object, or Possessive.
Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. You can remember subject pronouns easily by filling in the blank subject space for a simple sentence
1.- ´ We enjoy the movie´
2.- ´´They have enjoy the movie´.
Links to practice:
1.- ´ We enjoy the movie´
2.- ´´They have enjoy the movie´.
Links to practice:
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
2nd task revision
The unfair match
Last Monday I visited Stapples Center, I was watching a boxing fight, the fight was Michael Jordan vs John Manteca, John Manteca used a chair to hit Michael, this is the reason why Im writing to you because you didn't penalize him for breaking the rules. That is unfair, unucceptable and cheating. Im suggesting that you change the referee or teach him to be a good one and he learns all the rules. I think that this must be checked for the next fight because if there is a kid watching hes watching a fair match not that violent scene, he can repeat that in his house and that is a bad influence. That will cause a loss in the public so be careful.Words: 124
1st Task revision
Hi Mark, how are you?
I`m writing to you because I`m going to be part of a tennis competition, the prize is to meet a famous sport star in that case, If i win I wlii choose Rafael Nadal. If I'm expecting to meet him, I need to win the 9 matches, and the one that wins more matches will go to a final with the other finalist. To win this competition i need to be playing 5 times a week and eat very healthily.
Best Regards,
Joaquin Nuñez
Words: 89
I`m writing to you because I`m going to be part of a tennis competition, the prize is to meet a famous sport star in that case, If i win I wlii choose Rafael Nadal. If I'm expecting to meet him, I need to win the 9 matches, and the one that wins more matches will go to a final with the other finalist. To win this competition i need to be playing 5 times a week and eat very healthily.
Best Regards,
Joaquin Nuñez
Words: 89
Monday, June 24, 2013
I remember buying the first Sherlock Holmes novel — ‘A Study in Scarlet’ — at a Church jumble sale in East London when I was about 12 years old. I became hooked on Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories straight away, and I got as many of his books as I could out of my local library, and then started buying them. What I can’t remember now is why I bought the book. I must have known something about Sherlock Holmes already, and wanted to find out more, but I don’t know where that initial impulse came from.
What does your Sherlock collection contain? Do have any memorabilia items?
Mostly I collect works of fiction which use Sherlock Holmes as a character, and I have several hundred of those, but I also have a sideline in collecting books of literary criticism which analyse the Sherlock Holmes stories. The ones that especially interest me are the ones which assume that Sherlock Holmes is in some sense a real person and then try to work out whether he went to Cambridge or Oxford University by analysing the attendance records between 1860 and 1880 looking for someone with the surname “Holmes”.
There are some criticism by conservative fans, what is your opinion about it? Is there anything you would like to tell them?
I understand the criticisms by conservative fans, and if someone else was writing this series then I would probably feel the same way. The
problem with conservative fans is that they want everything to be exactly the same as it was when Conan Doyle was writing, but the world and fictional styles have moved on. I would point out to them, however, that I am trying desperately not to contradict anything that Conan Doyle did, and that I am attempting to explain how Sherlock Holmes came to develop all of those skills that Conan Doyle told us he had – the boxing, the fencing, the martial arts, the chemistry, the violin playing… It stands to reason that Sherlock Holmes had to learn those things somewhere, and, more importantly, he had to have a reason for learning them all. Conservative Sherlockians tend to assume that Sherlock Holmes was either never a child or that he was like the adult version when he was a child. I just can’t see how that can be true.
1.- Answer the following questions
1.- How did Andrew became hooked on Sherlock Holmes stories?
2.- Was Sherlock Holmes a real person?
3.- Why has Andrew been criticized by some of Arthur Conan Doyle’s fans?
Upload answers on your blog!
Tags: demon headmaster
Tags: author, deamon headmaster, graphic organizer

Page 1 gives you the straightforward factual information – the things that get put on forms.
In between and alongside all those things, I’ve had quite a few informal jobs. I’ve worked as:
I spend most of my time writing and looking after my family. I also edit the parish magazine in the village where I live, and I travel around quite a lot, talking to children and adults. (It’s pretty hard to stop me talking.)
I’ve done quite a lot of travelling abroad to speak about my books. I’ve been to Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Brazil, Australia and Mexico, among other places. Wherever I go, I like to talk to people (of course) and to look at paintings and sculptures.
I write because I love telling stories and finding out about things. My stories don’t have ‘messages’, but I like to write about people in difficult and dangerous situations. I’m interested in how they cope and the decisions they make.
If you want to know more about me and my life, you could consult the AuthorZone magazine which has interviews and information about a hundred authors. You can find out about that on
You can read even more about my life and what I’ve written (and see my family photos) in a book called Telling Tales, which is published by Egmont Children’s Books.
Taken from:
Biography organizer, click biography
What does your Sherlock collection contain? Do have any memorabilia items?
Mostly I collect works of fiction which use Sherlock Holmes as a character, and I have several hundred of those, but I also have a sideline in collecting books of literary criticism which analyse the Sherlock Holmes stories. The ones that especially interest me are the ones which assume that Sherlock Holmes is in some sense a real person and then try to work out whether he went to Cambridge or Oxford University by analysing the attendance records between 1860 and 1880 looking for someone with the surname “Holmes”.
There are some criticism by conservative fans, what is your opinion about it? Is there anything you would like to tell them?
I understand the criticisms by conservative fans, and if someone else was writing this series then I would probably feel the same way. The
problem with conservative fans is that they want everything to be exactly the same as it was when Conan Doyle was writing, but the world and fictional styles have moved on. I would point out to them, however, that I am trying desperately not to contradict anything that Conan Doyle did, and that I am attempting to explain how Sherlock Holmes came to develop all of those skills that Conan Doyle told us he had – the boxing, the fencing, the martial arts, the chemistry, the violin playing… It stands to reason that Sherlock Holmes had to learn those things somewhere, and, more importantly, he had to have a reason for learning them all. Conservative Sherlockians tend to assume that Sherlock Holmes was either never a child or that he was like the adult version when he was a child. I just can’t see how that can be true.
1.- Answer the following questions
1.- How did Andrew became hooked on Sherlock Holmes stories?
2.- Was Sherlock Holmes a real person?
3.- Why has Andrew been criticized by some of Arthur Conan Doyle’s fans?
Upload answers on your blog!
DH, Dinah and the Computer Club
Posted: March 17, 2013 by carlachavezs in ReadersTags: demon headmaster
The Deamon Headmaster and the Prime Minister’s Brain is the second book of the series written by Gillian Cross. When these books were turned into a BBC series, the Prime Minister’s Brain was part of chapters 4 to 6. These are the first minutes of chapter 4. Watch them carefully to answer the questions below. After checking your responses, read chapters 1-3 and compare with the TV series.
1. What is the purpose of this SPLAT’S meeting?
2. What do they do at the computer club? Who likes it?
3. What is the name of the computing competition?
4. What is the name of the computer game?
5. Who invites Dinah to participate?
6. Was it easy for Dinah to win the competition? How do you know?
7. Who sent the card to Dinah? What does it say?
8. When and where will the finals take place?
9. What does Dinah need to go to the finals?
10. How does Dinah react when her mom says that she can’t afford the new laptop?
11. What are three solutions offered by Dinah to buy the laptop?
12. What did mom say?
1. What is the purpose of this SPLAT’S meeting?
2. What do they do at the computer club? Who likes it?
3. What is the name of the computing competition?
4. What is the name of the computer game?
5. Who invites Dinah to participate?
6. Was it easy for Dinah to win the competition? How do you know?
7. Who sent the card to Dinah? What does it say?
8. When and where will the finals take place?
9. What does Dinah need to go to the finals?
10. How does Dinah react when her mom says that she can’t afford the new laptop?
11. What are three solutions offered by Dinah to buy the laptop?
12. What did mom say?
Gillian Cross and the Deamon Headmaster
Posted: March 17, 2013 by carlachavezs in ReadersTags: author, deamon headmaster, graphic organizer
Official Gillian Cross Biography Pt 1
Here are the basic names and dates and places. If you want something more chatty, try the next page. And if you want a list of my books, look under book details.Born: | 1945, in London |
Father: | James Eric Arnold d.1988 |
Mother: | Joan Emma Arnold |
Educated: |
Qualifications: | MA (Oxford) Class 1 D. Phil (Sussex) |
Married: | 1967 to Martin Cross |
Children: | Jonathan (born 1967) Elizabeth (born 1970) Anthony (born 1984) Katherine (born 1985) |
Prizes: | WOLF – Library Association’s Carnegie Medal 1990 THE GREAT ELEPHANT CHASE – Whitbread Children’s Novel Award 1992 THE GREAT ELEPHANT CHASE – Smarties Prize Overall Winner 1992 |
Hobbies: | Orienteering and playing the piano. (But I’m not very good at either of them.) I also read a lot. |
In between and alongside all those things, I’ve had quite a few informal jobs. I’ve worked as:
- an unqualified teacher in a primary school (when I was 19)
- an assistant to a village baker (when I was 23)
- a childminder (when I was about 30)
- an assistant to a Member of Parliament (when I was about 32).
I spend most of my time writing and looking after my family. I also edit the parish magazine in the village where I live, and I travel around quite a lot, talking to children and adults. (It’s pretty hard to stop me talking.)
I’ve done quite a lot of travelling abroad to speak about my books. I’ve been to Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Brazil, Australia and Mexico, among other places. Wherever I go, I like to talk to people (of course) and to look at paintings and sculptures.
I write because I love telling stories and finding out about things. My stories don’t have ‘messages’, but I like to write about people in difficult and dangerous situations. I’m interested in how they cope and the decisions they make.
If you want to know more about me and my life, you could consult the AuthorZone magazine which has interviews and information about a hundred authors. You can find out about that on
You can read even more about my life and what I’ve written (and see my family photos) in a book called Telling Tales, which is published by Egmont Children’s Books.
Taken from:
Read the author’s biography carefully. Complete the graphic organizer.Biography organizer, click biography
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
task 2 (200 words)
Chilean acohol abuse
In the world ranking of teen alcohol abuse, Chile
A follow Denmark England (31.6%) and Finland (28%). And although the list does not include Chile it, is our country that should be followed in the ranking, considering the data in Global School Health Survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and WHO. According to these statistics, 25.9% of Chilean adolescents responded affirmatively when asked if they got drunk on more than one occasion. The report for Chile has a breakdown: 25.1% were girls, and boys arrive at 26.8%.
If you look at the Conace data on alcohol consumption at least once a month, the results show that 37.9% of adolescents consume alcohol in Chile.
A common practice for the 53% of Chilean teenagers is alcohol the night of Saturday, according to data from the School Drug Survey 2007. "The danger is that basically meet in order to take to feel uninhibited and talkative, among other things. Moreover, as at this age the clubs to which they may access not sell drinks, are drinking alcohol before entering, and is in the house of one of them or in nearby places, "says Veronica Gaete, director of the Center for Adolescent Health SerJoven.
The 25.9% who sign Chilean adolescents not only gives him them in fourth place. The figure nearly triples the reality of countries like the United States, which is noted by 11.9% - and turn to nations such as Italy (12.7%), Greece (12.7%) and Iceland (13.5%).
If you look at the Conace data on alcohol consumption at least once a month, the results show that 37.9% of adolescents consume alcohol in Chile.
A common practice for the 53% of Chilean teenagers is alcohol the night of Saturday, according to data from the School Drug Survey 2007. "The danger is that basically meet in order to take to feel uninhibited and talkative, among other things. Moreover, as at this age the clubs to which they may access not sell drinks, are drinking alcohol before entering, and is in the house of one of them or in nearby places, "says Veronica Gaete, director of the Center for Adolescent Health SerJoven.
The 25.9% who sign Chilean adolescents not only gives him them in fourth place. The figure nearly triples the reality of countries like the United States, which is noted by 11.9% - and turn to nations such as Italy (12.7%), Greece (12.7%) and Iceland (13.5%).
240 words app
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Teen alcohol abuse statistics
Teen alcohol abuse statistics
Alcohol or 'booze' is widely used by teenagers. Binge drinking, drink driving and unsafe sex can all result from the misuse of alcohol. Alcohol is responsible for most drug-related deaths in the teenage population.
Alcohol is tolerated as a socially acceptable drug, yet it is responsible for most drug-related deaths in the teenage population. Alcohol is also associated with a variety of serious health risks. It’s difficult to prevent teenagers from experimenting with alcohol, but parents can encourage sensible drinking habits.
The safest level of drinking for teenagers is no drinking, especially for young people under 15 years of age. If older teenagers do drink, parents can minimise the risks by providing adult supervision
Alcohol is tolerated as a socially acceptable drug, yet it is responsible for most drug-related deaths in the teenage population. Alcohol is also associated with a variety of serious health risks. It’s difficult to prevent teenagers from experimenting with alcohol, but parents can encourage sensible drinking habits.
The safest level of drinking for teenagers is no drinking, especially for young people under 15 years of age. If older teenagers do drink, parents can minimise the risks by providing adult supervision
Alcohol – the risks
Irresponsible use of alcohol can lead to:
- Binge drinking or drinking too much on a single occasion
- Drink driving
- Unsafe sex
- Impaired brain development
- Injury or death.
Binge or heavy drinking
Binge drinking is the term commonly used to describe drinking heavily over a short period of time with the intention of becoming intoxicated. This can be very harmful to a person’s health and wellbeing. As well as increasing the risk of health problems, this can lead young people to take risks and put themselves in dangerous situations. Common effects of binge episodes include:
- Hangovers
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Shakiness.
Alcohol and sex
Alcohol impairs judgement. Teenagers are more likely to engage in unsafe sexual practices when they have been drinking. Other associated risks include:
- Date rape
- Sexual intercourse without a condom
- Exposure to sexually transmissible infections (STIs)
- Possible pregnancy.
Impaired brain development
Alcohol is a neurotoxin, which means it can poison the brain. One of the effects of excessive alcohol use is that it interferes with vitamin B absorption, which prevents the brain from working properly. Long-term drinking above the recommended levels may lead to a range of disorders, collectively known as alcohol-related brain injury (ARBI). Symptoms can include learning and memory problems and difficulties with balance.
Alcohol and other drugs
. Taking alcohol with other drugs that also suppress the central nervous system, such as heroin and benzodiazepines, can be particularly risky. It can cause a person’s breathing and heart rate to decrease to dangerous levels and increase the risk of overdose. The combination of alcohol and drugs (including cannabis) can also lead to increased risk taking, making it difficult to drive or carry out other activities, with the potential to harm others as well as the drinker.
Some factors that can prevent alcohol abuse
According to the text research, there are many important factors that help reduce the likelihood of a young person abusing alcohol. As well as good parental role modelling, these factors include:
- A loving, supportive home life
- Educational programs in schools on the use and misuse of alcohol
- Developing personal, social, academic and employment skills
- A healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise and a love of sports
- Restrictions on alcohol advertising
- Avoiding the use of scare tactics, which can backfire and increase alcohol use among teenagers.
480 words app.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
andrew lane interview
I remember buying the first Sherlock Holmes novel — ‘A Study in Scarlet’ — at a Church jumble sale in East London when I was about 12 years old. I became hooked on Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories straight away, and I got as many of his books as I could out of my local library, and then started buying them. What I can’t remember now is why I bought the book. I must have known something about Sherlock Holmes already, and wanted to find out more, but I don’t know where that initial impulse came from.
What does your Sherlock collection contain? Do have any memorabilia items?
Mostly I collect works of fiction which use Sherlock Holmes as a character, and I have several hundred of those, but I also have a sideline in collecting books of literary criticism which analyse the Sherlock Holmes stories. The ones that especially interest me are the ones which assume that Sherlock Holmes is in some sense a real person and then try to work out whether he went to Cambridge or Oxford University by analysing the attendance records between 1860 and 1880 looking for someone with the surname “Holmes”.
There are some criticism by conservative fans, what is your opinion about it? Is there anything you would like to tell them?
I understand the criticisms by conservative fans, and if someone else was writing this series then I would probably feel the same way. The
problem with conservative fans is that they want everything to be exactly the same as it was when Conan Doyle was writing, but the world and fictional styles have moved on. I would point out to them, however, that I am trying desperately not to contradict anything that Conan Doyle did, and that I am attempting to explain how Sherlock Holmes came to develop all of those skills that Conan Doyle told us he had – the boxing, the fencing, the martial arts, the chemistry, the violin playing… It stands to reason that Sherlock Holmes had to learn those things somewhere, and, more importantly, he had to have a reason for learning them all. Conservative Sherlockians tend to assume that Sherlock Holmes was either never a child or that he was like the adult version when he was a child. I just can’t see how that can be true.
1.- Answer the following questions
1.- How did Andrew became hooked on Sherlock Holmes stories? because one day he buy one book of sherlock holmesand he love it.
2.- Was Sherlock Holmes a real person? He search for 20 years and he doesent find any people of sername holmes
3.- Why has Andrew been criticized by some of Arthur Conan Doyle’s fans? Becausethey think that was a copy but in this version is supossed that sherlcok was a real kid.
What does your Sherlock collection contain? Do have any memorabilia items?
Mostly I collect works of fiction which use Sherlock Holmes as a character, and I have several hundred of those, but I also have a sideline in collecting books of literary criticism which analyse the Sherlock Holmes stories. The ones that especially interest me are the ones which assume that Sherlock Holmes is in some sense a real person and then try to work out whether he went to Cambridge or Oxford University by analysing the attendance records between 1860 and 1880 looking for someone with the surname “Holmes”.
There are some criticism by conservative fans, what is your opinion about it? Is there anything you would like to tell them?
I understand the criticisms by conservative fans, and if someone else was writing this series then I would probably feel the same way. The
problem with conservative fans is that they want everything to be exactly the same as it was when Conan Doyle was writing, but the world and fictional styles have moved on. I would point out to them, however, that I am trying desperately not to contradict anything that Conan Doyle did, and that I am attempting to explain how Sherlock Holmes came to develop all of those skills that Conan Doyle told us he had – the boxing, the fencing, the martial arts, the chemistry, the violin playing… It stands to reason that Sherlock Holmes had to learn those things somewhere, and, more importantly, he had to have a reason for learning them all. Conservative Sherlockians tend to assume that Sherlock Holmes was either never a child or that he was like the adult version when he was a child. I just can’t see how that can be true.
1.- Answer the following questions
1.- How did Andrew became hooked on Sherlock Holmes stories? because one day he buy one book of sherlock holmesand he love it.
2.- Was Sherlock Holmes a real person? He search for 20 years and he doesent find any people of sername holmes
3.- Why has Andrew been criticized by some of Arthur Conan Doyle’s fans? Becausethey think that was a copy but in this version is supossed that sherlcok was a real kid.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Choosing the best holidays
1- The holidays i will choose is the P&O Crusies.
2- I choose the cruiser because I all ready go in a cruiser to brasil and I like it very much,
So to visit other part of the world at the same experience can be a very good vacations.
3- Finally, I can not go in vacation with only one person because in my family we are 6,
So I can’t go with a friend because I don’t have the age to go alone in a crusier.
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