Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My common grammar mistakes y glossary

Name: Joaquin Nuñez                                  Date: Thursday 22nd, August,2013          Grade: 8th ISE-1

Mistake N1: `The only thing that I use is friends help`

Correction:´The onlynthing that I needs was friends help`

Rule: past tense.
Explanation of the of the grammar rule:

Need is plural; needs is singular.

Since the patient is singular, the verb must also be singular to agree


1-. When she needs help, we all help her`
2.-That was what i needs.

Links to practice:


Mistake N2: ´They have being 12 years together`
Correction: ´They had been 12 years together`

Rule : Grammar

Explanation of the grammar rule:
Use been after the verb to have.
Use being after the verb to be.
1.-We have been playing for 2 hours.
2.-We have been at USA.

links to practice:

Mistake N3:´I have visited Lota last year´

Correction:´I visited Lota last year´


Explanation of the gramar rule:

Actually, the present tense is used more for factual statements.

It has to be the past tense when the time in the past is specified.

1.-´Yesterday I visited my grandfather´
2.-´He had just visited USA´

Links to correct:

Mistake N4 :´The woman which work in the garden is from Brazil´.

Correction: ´The woman who work in the garden is from Brazil´.

Rule: gramar

Explanation of the gramar rule:

Who refers to people. That and which refer to groups or things

1.-´The men who Works there is very heplful´.
2.-´He is who help me yesterday´.

Link for excersise:


Mistakes N5 : ´I enjoyed it from the play´.

Correction: ´I enjoyed the play´.

Rule:  Pronoun

Explanation of the gramar rule :

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Pronouns can be in one of three cases: Subject, Object, or Possessive.

Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. You can remember subject pronouns easily by filling in the blank subject space for a simple sentence

1.- ´ We enjoy the movie´
2.- ´´They have enjoy the movie´.

Links to practice:

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

2nd task revision

The unfair match
Last Monday I visited Stapples Center, I was watching a boxing fight, the fight was Michael Jordan vs John Manteca, John Manteca used a chair to hit Michael, this is the reason why Im writing to you because you didn't  penalize him for breaking the rules. That is unfair, unucceptable and cheating. Im suggesting  that you change the referee or teach him to be a good one and he learns all the rules. I think that this must be checked for the next fight because if there is a kid watching hes watching a fair match not that violent scene, he can repeat that in his house and that is a bad influence. That will cause a loss in the public so be careful.

Words: 124

1st Task revision

Hi Mark, how are you?

I`m writing to you because I`m going to be part of a tennis competition, the prize is to meet a famous sport star in that case, If i win I wlii choose Rafael Nadal. If I'm expecting to meet him, I need to win the 9 matches, and the one that wins more matches will go to a final with the other finalist. To win this competition i need to be playing 5 times a week and eat very healthily.

Best Regards,
                                               Joaquin Nuñez

Words: 89