1.-Soraya helps her friends so they can learn how to write and read.
2.-A timr when amir saw things he had never seen before.
3.-He had cancer in her lungs, but he didint want to treat this fatal desease.
4.-Beacause she was really direct and honest and she told him all his secrets
Thursday, November 26, 2015
reservation tasks
An Indian reservation is a legal designation for an area of land managed by a Native American tribe under the US Bureau of Indian Affairs, rather than the state governments of the United States in which they are physically located. Each of the 326 Indian reservations in the United States are associated with a particular Nation. Not all of the country's 567 recognized tribes have a reservation, some tribes have more than one reservation, some share reservations, while others have none. In addition, because of past land allotments, leading to some sales to non-Indians, some reservations are severely fragmented, with each piece of tribal,individual, and privately held land being a separate enclave. This jumble of private and public real estate creates significant administrative, political, and legal difficulties.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Animal farm
Good morning, or should I say bad morning? Friends today I
want to make you think about a heavy, very heavy problem, he is around 80kg and
he drinks whiskey. The problem we have is our dictator, Napoleon. Does any of
the present animals know what this horrible animal? If he is still an animal,
because he drinks whiskey, use human’s cloths and he sleeps in a bed. This are
not the good things he had made, if you think this is bad hear this, he killed
animals , for example out big friend boxer who was supposedly going to see a
medic, but the true is that he was sold by Napoleon to a glue factory, he spend
the money in whiskey. Do you remember the wind mill?, all that food we
collected was sold, that is why we were so hungry, all the money was obviously
used to buy whiskey. If all this horrible things give me the right to be against
Napoleon Do I have to mention that he changed the old major statements, for
example old major said: "No animals should sleep in beds”, but he added
“without sheets” so he sleeps now in a bed. All this made me think and we must
make to Napoleon all the bad things he made to all of us, don’t let them eat,
work hard, suffer, and finally die how our friend boxer did. All this will
liberate our farm and we will be in the lead of snow ball who have a secret hours
near or farm, he will lead us to a proper future, long live the animal farm!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Corrected writen assignement
Dear Rahim Khan,
I’m writing to you because I need to tell you something very
important that happened to a very near friend from whom I have a lot of affection.
I decided to tell you this awful event because I can’t stop thinking of it, so
coming to America, I decided to tell this to someone, there is where you appear,
I personally trust in you so I know you will keep this in secret between you
and me.
This awful event happened the same day that Hassan and I made history winning the Kabul kite tournament. When I cut the last blue kite,
Hassan start running that blue kite. After 2 hours he doesn’t come back with
the kite, so I start to worry about him, so I make my way to searched for.
I asked to a Street seller about a Hazara boy with a blue
kite, and he said to me that 3 boys were running behind him, in that moment I got
scared and I felt resentment, so I started running. Finally I found Hassan in a
Street with Assef and his friends, what I saw i there was something I had never
seen, Assef was abusing of Hassan, and I saw all and I didint helped him.
After that happened Hassan was much timid when he talked to me
and I don’t like that, so I started to bother him, because I don’t feel comfortable
knowing what happened to Hassan and I didint help him. This is why in my party I
hide my new watch under Hassan’s pillow, and I told my father were I found my
watch. My father forgive the hazaras, but they went away because they felt
guilty. They went to Hazarayat after leaving our house, until they left I haven’t
seen Hassan. After that I came to usa, so I need to know what happened to
Hassan's life, this is the reason why I’m writing to you, because I’m worried
about him, and I want to make sure he understands why I wanted to blame him when
we were just kids. that was a very hard time in my childhood, after that event
my life changed over, I was alone with no friends after Hassan and ali left Kabul
, then the soviet soldiers invaded Kabul, me and Baba left Afghanistan and moved
to usa. Here Baba worked in a very big gas station where he was in charge of
the cash machine. In my case I’m finishing the school in a Little college in
San Francisco near my apartment. Actually I’m very happy with my new life
here, I met a attractive girl named Soraya, she love my stories. My stories had
a big progress with the recommendation’s you gave me, so all is going well to
me here, but I miss Kabul, all that precious time I passed in that lovely city,
all that good and bad adventures with my best friend Hassan, all those kite
tournaments we won with Hassan, and all the kites he run for me, I really miss
Hassan and Kabul.
So all this can show you how much I need you to find Hassan
and said what I had said you between this letters, I must thank you and I will
wait for your answer.
Best regards
Words: 551
Corrected Rationale
The kite runner novel consists of a story that takes place in Afghanistan, were 2 boys, Amir and Hassan pass over a lot of funny and serious problems, this ends when the boys separate, and Amir moves to USA because of the soviet invasion in Afghanistan. Then they remember each other, but Hassan died and Amir goes to Afghanistan to get Hassan's son. My letter to Rahim Khan is related to the story because I include real secenes that happened in the book . My letter goals is to finish the book in other way, because if Rahim Khan tell this to Hassan is posible that he doesent die, and meet Amir. The goal will be reached by the stories that I include in the letter and the solution that I give of the problems that presents in the story. This will be a letter, to the people that had read the book, is a semi-formal register because is between 2 friends.
Friday, September 4, 2015
similarities between book and movie
In the movie we can see a lot of similarities I personally
there is no general details the movie doesn’t have, one of the similarities I
fond reliable is that Amir have a lot of remembers when he saw the Hassan’s
son, he remember his Hassan. Other one is that the events are exactly in the
same adore in the movie and in the book. The last one is the cloths that in the
book are described, here the cloths are the same, when they describe the cloths
that Hassan’s son wear when he dances are the same.
The differences that I found between the movie and the book
are not big, the first one is that in the book said that Amir broke 7 bones
when he fight with assef, but in the movie he can walk and pass over a Wall and
he only got hurt an eye. In the book assfe said to Amir something like he
helped the Taliban’s, but I don’t understand this part, but in the movie I don’t
hear it. And in the movie we can see a more convinced Amir, I think what he
said is very serious and in the book he is more like poor in language theme.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Eager and Reluctant discussion
Eager: Hi Darling, how are you?
Reluctant: Hello Julio, I am not so good.
Eager: Why?
Reluctant: Because I’m worried about the sex our baby will
Eager: Don’t worry we can make the treatment that is named
family balancing that consist in selecting our baby sex.
Reluctant: I don’t think that this is an appropriated decision,
this is unnatural and I feel fear of breaking government policy.
Eager: I can’t understand why are you so afraid about this
issue, we must take advantage of the modern technology that exist today and
this is the easier solution for what we want in our life’s, a lovely Little
Reluctant: I think you are starting to convince me but the problem
is that I do not believe this is ethic, and also the risk that the baby can
Eager: There is no risk, Family balancing is a completely
safe process don’t worry.
Reluctant: the decision is taken, It will be a boy.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
cloning doctor
Well first if I were a cloning human doctor I will make this
to protect people or make a better living for them. I will clone people to help
the community to make a safe country, to be policeman and don’t to risk people’s
life, or to fill people’s needs like for a disabled people. It’s important to
clone a healthy child because there we can success in the belonging of the
clones and be sure this will be a secure choice for the humanity. If I’m sure
the cloning is a good choice for the community, I will show this to the world,
but if the cloning is not sure I don’t think is a good idea to share it.
Friday, July 3, 2015
chapters 5 and 6
Chapter 5:
1-.Afghanistan falls in the communist forces.
2-.Because he is not very sociable with the people that Amir
3-.He was in approve with the Hitler socialist model
4-.Because Amir said that Hassan wasn’t his friend he only
was his servant
5-.He gifted an operation because in that moment he have appendicitis.
Chapter 6:
1-.Because he wants other kite, different that the others.
2-.Because the one who wins that tournament will get the
honor of his family in this case Baba was proud of Amir
3-.He refers to the loyalty they have like friends.
4-.Because Amir wants to win the Baba’s respect so this is
the only way he can win it
5-.Hassan is a buy who suffer discrimination and racism so he
is not a very happy boy, but he appreciates what he have.
Diary entry from the test
20, May of 2015
Today was one of the best days in my life, because a ´special
success in Amir and in my life. After all the challenges in Afghanistan the
kite contest was near so I thought in Amir and Hassan, they are a very good
team in this spectacular sport we practice in Kabul and in all the country. So
I buy a nice red kite for the contest, the sellers said me that this kite will
win the big contest of Kabul, Amir and Hassan usually make their kites themselves,
but in this opportunity I buy the kite.
The contest starts and the boys were good, after 3 hours of
fighting the boys were exhausted, but there was only 2 kite remaining and Amir
in a good move cut the kite and they won the contest.
I felled very happy for my son and for Hassan who was going
to get the winner kite, because if they don’t get the blue kite they doesn’t demonstrate
that they won and Baba is not going to be proud f Amir, so Hassan started
running searching for the kite.
I said Amir that I love him and I will love him more if he
brings me the winning kite, so they did this and I make a party to celebrate
this because their winning.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
chapter 8 and 9
Chapter 8:
1) Amir gets sick when they were going to Jalalabad.
2) The answer of Amir was no, he wouldn’t go, but the only thing that Amir want was to be with Hassan.
3)Amir and Hassan were in the pomegranate tree for second time Hassan wants to hear a Amir story, but when he was flipping the first page, Amir get a fallen pomegranate and asked Hassan what will happens if he throw it. Hassan didn’t answered, in this moment Amir throwed it to Hassan, but Hassan only stood up. Amir was angry because Hassan did nothing.
4) The gift of Assef was the Hitler biography to Amir.
5) Rahim Khan tells Amir that he almost marry with a Hazara, Homaira, but when he tells this to his family they get disappointed with his decisions and they send Homaria and his family to Hazarajat.
Chapter 9:
1)The notebook of Rahim Khan.
2) Amir was very thanksfulllbecause the present of hassan,but he was sad because he knew that the book was notfor him.
3) He saw a lot of money of afghanistan in the hassans bag.
4)Because baba asked hassan if he stole amir stuff he answered no, saying the truth, but the idea of amir was to sacrifice him.
5) Because Amir and Hassan watches that movies.
racism posters
from: http://www.eveningecho.ie/cork-news/fury-as-racist-graffiti-appears-in-shandon/

This racist
graffiti was painted on walls on Shandon Street, this graffiti is refered to black
people in the place, but if you look good this graffiti is painted in a black
wall, but with a white spray, this was a notice in the town, all the people was
2-. Source: http://www.oddee.com/item_97963.aspx 

“This beautiful Print Ad titled CHILD was done by Fcb
advertising agency for product: Anti-racial Discrimination (brand: S. O. S
Racism) in Portugal. It was released in the Sep 2003.”
The target in this poster is that the boy spares the black
m&m’s with the others, and this must not be like that they all go together,
that is the target.
3-. Source: http://www.abc.es/20120503/ciencia/abci-misterio-indigenas-rubios-islas-201205031340.html
this boy we have different races, he must be from another culture than me and
we are no physically equals, he might be one in my social space, because
everyone can be my friend.

4-. In this section I can show with you an interesant story
about two mates and friends, one they one of mi friends, the white one was
bothering the other one, that he is black, about a particular problem that they
had between them, the problem is that the problem began in a discussion, and
then a racism fight.
All this ended in a physical fight and one finished with a
broken nose.
5-. The opinion of Juanita Larrain, physics teacher: “Can
you honestly say that I’m better than you? Or you are better than me?,
Only because our hair color, maybe by our skin, maybe
lighter or darker. The value of the human being it’s not based in how tall they
are, how fat they are or the color of skin they have, the value of the human
being can be based under actions how they talk about real life, doing good
things and contribute to make this world a better place, its impossible to say
that my skin might be lighter or darker. I will not do the right thing, or I
will do the right thing”.
“I can say
that Racism and Discrimination are closely linked and they are defined as an
ideology and action of rejection and intolerance towards people whose
characteristics are not the same that people who discriminate, which means that
if someone has a creed, color skin or different nationality, they become
subject of ridicule, rejection and hostility. As a consequence of this ideology
the mass have the control to the state, region or country”.
text gives the point of view of a person that is against the racism or the
discrimination.Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Tarea escrita 2
Un gran tema de interés y preocupación que ha estado
rondando en las redes sociales es el caso de corrupción en la FIFA, manejada por
Joseph Blatter, el presidente de la FIFA reelecto 5 días antes de esta noticia
que impacto a el planeta.
Se investiga que Joseph Blatter y 7 integrantes de altos
cargos de la FIFA han sido sobornados en una gran cantidad de ocasiones.
Un tema el cual preocupa a todo el mundo en general, ya
que la FIFA es la organización más grande del mundo y tiene una gran influencia
en como las personas ven a esta entidad. La imagen de esta gran institución
queda dañada
frente al público, este tema no es nuevo realmente, ya que se conocían casos
anteriores en que funcionarios de la FIFA han recibido sobornos desde que se creó
la institución. Los investigadores que durante 17 años siguieron
las transacciones de la FIFA y encontraron los ingresos no declarados fueron
los policías de investigación estadounidenses.
Esta información fue extraída del polémico texto que
escribió el escritor y periodista Álvaro Vargas Llosa, su texto es llamado ”La
mafia del futbol”, el cual trata de la corrupción que se observa en esta gran
institución llamada FIFA y todo lo que la rodea.
Alvaro Vargas Llosa es un reconocido escritor y periodista
Peruano, el cual escribe de los temas más recientes y polémicos de la
actualidad. Alvaro es hijo de Mario Vargas Llosa Reconocido escritor en américa
y en el mundo por su premio nobel de literatura en el año 2010.
ensayo se escribe para poder demostrar lo que sucede con el actual
presidente de la FIFA Joseph Blatter y la gran organización, que
desarrolla los eventos deportivos más vistos y en los cuales fluye una cantidad
enorme de dinero, la cual está involucrada en la grave situación de sobornos
que están siendo investigados.
Sobre este tema surge la siguiente pregunta: ¿Que
grupos sociales son marginados en el texto?
En este caso los mayores afectados son los jugadores,
árbitros, dirigentes, y todas las personas involucradas en este gran
deporte mundialmente conocido. Esto no es agradable para los involucrados que
son inocentes ya que este tema envuelve a todos y los culpados por este caso de
corrupción declarados por la policía de investigación de Estados Unidos, dejan
a este deporte y a los dirigentes responsables con una reputación manchada por
la gran corrupción que lamentablemente se presenta en esta institución y en el
Este tema lo podemos corroborar dando un gran suceso
cuando se pasaba por periodo de votación en la FIFA, el tema a discutir era la
sede del mundial de fútbol en el año 2022, en este caso el país a elección fue
Qatar, este país está ubicado en el Oeste de Asia. Pero había un serio problema
con esta decisión, los médicos se oponían por los riesgos que este presenta
para los seleccionados y toda la gente que iris a este mundial de fútbol.
El verano en Qatar es sufrido por los turistas, ya que
las temperaturas son cercanas a los 40 grados Celsius. Esto es lo que preocupa
a el cuerpo médico de la FIFA, los cuales se oponen a arriesgar a los
futbolistas a estas temperaturas, ya que se han observado muertes por desmayos
en partidos jugados, lo que ellos tratan es evitar alguna tragedia
mayor. Esto fue hablado con Blatter pidiendo que haya un cambio de época para
que el calor sea menor y esta fue su respuesta: "Todavía tenemos que definir el momento del año en el que se
disputará la Copa Mundial de 2022, pero seguimos adelante con los planes. Como
he dicho, sólo un terremoto podría hacer que nos replanteáramos la decisión.
Con los elementos actuales, no hay motivos para dar marcha atrás" esta fue
la respuesta de Blatter ante la petición de los médicos.
Esto es muy sospechoso desde el punto
de vista de las acusaciones sobre sobornos a los dirigentes de la FIFA por
la compra de su voto, raramente Blatter voto por Qatar siendo un total riesgo
para todos y él se niega a cambiar la fecha de este, nadie sabe porque, pero
esto está siendo investigado y luego se sabrán los motivos de
su decisión. Según investigaciones en Inglaterra serian 5 millones de
dólares que pago Qatar a la FIFA para salir electo.
Algo que sucedió a nivel nacional es el comentario que realizo Mauricio Pinilla, Volante de la Selección Chilena, ante el caso de corrupción que se presentó en la FIFA. Pinilla, muy molesto por el caso hizo público su comentario en una entrevista previo a un partido, el respondió respecto a la pregunta propuesta por el entrevistador, él dijo: "No podemos soportar este tipo de abusos en este precioso deporte, La pelota no se mancha". Al mencionar esa frase se recuerda a lo dicho por Maradona en el mundial del año 1988. Aquí es donde uno puede darse cuenta de cómo estos casos de corrupción en la organización más grande del mundo puede afectar personalmente a un jugador el cual no creía tener ese punto de vista del deporte que el lleva en las venas y defendería hasta la muerte, según lo dicho por Mauricio Pinilla.
Un caso que estremeció y planteo dudas en la FIFA fue
el caso en las clasificatorias del mundial en el año 2010 cuando
Irlanda y Francia disputaban un partido decisivo para ver quien alcanzaría un
puesto en el mundial de Sudáfrica. Francia se encontraba un gol abajo de
Irlanda, lo cual dejaba a Francia fuera del torneo. Francia, por su
desesperación tuvo que utilizar un último recurso, la trampa.En este caso el
culpable seria Thierry Henry jugador de la escuadra francesa que en último
minuto de partido recibe un balón con la mano, lo cual no está permitido, y
logra dar pase con la mano a un compañero para poder anotar el gol. Esto fue un
caso que instauro muchas dudas sobre la FIFA, ya que el director técnico de
Irlanda no puso ninguna denuncia en contra de la selección francesa por haber hecho
esto, es allí donde se supo que la FIFA había sobornado a los dirigentes
irlandeses con 5 millones de euros para no denunciar este caso. Esto fue
muy desagradable para los jugadores Irlandeses por saber que hubiesen podido
estar en el torneo más importante del mundo si no fuese por la tremenda
corrupción que los rodeaba, por este caso muchos seleccionados irlandeses
renunciaron a la propia selección y olvidaron el tema que tanto los afecto
Finalmente podemos sintetizar que si es que algo puede
alterar el orden de las cosas, es el dinero. Es así como muchas clases sociales,
son afectadas por la culpa de unos cuantos funcionarios que no respetan el
derecho de los jugadores, del público, y a todo lo que socialmente representa
este deporte, que se ve muy contaminado en este momento. Lo peor no ha pasado,
las generaciones futuras no tendrán opción, si es que ven estos ejemplos de
gente supuestamente correcta haciendo este tipo de estafas no aprenderán de
buena forma si es que no es detenido, por eso mismo se investigan todos estos
casos y posteriormente sabremos como esto se resolverá y así terminar de raíz
con este polémico tema.
Argumento 1
Argumento2:http www.laterceratv.cl/index.php?m=video&v=43434
Argumento 3:
1140 palabras
Monday, April 13, 2015
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