Tuesday, June 24, 2014

horror story

That Friday was a very dark night, I was with Patricia Plumstaff, and she was my best friend. That night we were playing poker with the other house guests, I was losing but Patricia won a lot that night and the guests were angry about that, especially Marko the big blonde guy that works in a toy factory as the boss. He was angry with Patricia for winning his month payment on the poker.

After the poker we go to the library to search for a book that Patricia was searching because he heard that was very good. I was tired that night so I go to my room and I took a shower, Patricia stayed reading there.

When I was going to the bed I remember that I  forgot my bag a the library, I go down stairs and there was Patricia when I was going to say hello y saw Mister Roby using his knife to cut Patricia’s head. I was scared about saying it to the guests, but I need to say them because they were incriminating Marko, I talked to Sherlock Holmes, the detective. I told her all the details and Marko got saved. Respect to Mister Roby, he goes to the jail and we never see him again.


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